Monday, September 27, 2010

THE BRUSH...or lack thereof

I need a vacation. I know...but you travel all the time! And that is exactly my point. I need a vacation where I can do something I want to do and not something I have to do. Case in point, I forgot my BRUSH!!! Let me tell you something about myself, I have long...past the mid-point of my back long hair. Forgetting something as vital as a brush is not a good thing for me. Now, I wouldn't be so worried about said brush if I was on vacation...I would finger comb to the best of my ability and then say F--- it. Footloose and fancy free. But, alas I am on a business trip where the look is kinda important. I did however bring 3 pair of shoes for a 2 day trip???? WTH!!!! Say it with me peeps...I need a lil break.


XO said...

Crisis! I hope you found a brush somewhere...

This reminded me of the one time when I was in 5th grade and I forgot to brush my hair before I went to school... I didn't notice until later that day when I glanced up in the bathroom mirror while I was washing my hands. I was as mortified as a 10 year old could be and I was certain it would impact my social life for the rest of my life.

And, shoes are important... don't discount the shoes! Says the person who used to have dozens of pairs of shoes but who now only wears Old Navy flip-flops...

kc said...

I refuse to buy another brush...BUT AHA, my hair care needs are accomplished because I figured I would put it up this week is a twist so I have clips...clips work great as combs (if you use enough conditioner as to not pull out all the hair in your head) BWHAHAHAHA I shall be fine and not unworthy of the really cute clothes I brought with me this week. :)

Foursons said...

Hahaha- I'm not laughing at you, I'm laughing WITH you. You're laughing by now, right?

kc said...

Oh yes...I laughed, I actually laughed very hard when the clip broke...then I got it chopped :-)