Saturday, October 2, 2010

Theraputic Hypnosis

I am starting a form a of therapy that some will not approve of...but I have spoken to a person who has been highly recommended to do this. In order for it to be successful I need to remove certain elements from this blog (and other places that I have kept information just in case). I am going to do "Memory Wash" hypnosis. I have been told that it will erase my memory of the events that happened and the person I want to forget. I will still have certain emotional scars, but the pain from them will be alleviated and I won't really know where they came from. It should make me more confident and back to my outgoing personable self. I am not a big fan of forgetting things, but I really am not a big fan of locking myself away either. The pain, feelings of worthlessness, and fear are not going away and it has been about a year. This is just a more proactive then talk therapy.


XO said...

It seems like you've been working on yourself for so long... I think anything is worth a try, and if this can help you get past a few of the more painful things in your past, why not try it? It doesn't matter what other people think... they don't know what you're feeling inside.

kc said...

I feel as if I have been working on myself forever, as this isn't an end to me working...but I think it is a way I can move forward in a healthier way. Truth be told I am kinda excited to start on Monday! I should be forgetting by the end of the week with full results after like 10 sessions.

XO said...

I think it sounds like a really good idea. I really hope it helps you!

kc said...

I have done my research and I have talked in depth to the therapists and there are certain risks...but ya know what some of the memories I don't think I will regret not being able to get back. It's ok. Tomorrow is a new day and new memories can be made. I think it is a positive step forward......its not like I am asking to forget my exe-husband LOL

XO said...

I think it's a good idea. Who knows, you may want to forget your ex husband and Doodle's teacher by the time the school year is over!

kc said...

you are on to something there, but then when the idiot "forgets" to pay child support I won't remember who to go after and beat the shit out court of course :)

As far as the teacher, she is gar from memorable, except in a completely clueless WTH are you talking about way...3 days after school are over I won't remember her hehehe

Heidi said...

I am sorry for your struggles.

I love that psalm on your sidebar - I hope you continue to draw strength that scripture like that has to offer through the rest of your life journey as well, dear one.

Thanks for saying "hi" on my BFF day.

kc said...

That Psalm is one of my favorites. I change them up from time to time. I draw a lot of my positivity from the Bible :) I have yet to talk to my Pastor about this form of therapy, and I will before I embark on it to make sure that it is in line (at least a little) with my spiritual beliefs.

I can't wait to catch up with your blog Heidi....I always enjoy making new blog bubbies :)

kc said...
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