Friday, December 3, 2010

Alternate Universe

I believe I have entered into an alternate universe......NO, not complaining. I am going to pull up a chair, make myself comfy and stay...hopefully FOREVER! :)

I arrived at the Hartford airport in time to make an earlier flight home, the connection would be tight but the gates were close in Atlanta so I could probably make it as long as things went my way. Oh yes...I made that connection and arrived back into my home airport before 3 pm! Seriously, yeah!!!!

Then, I called A and asked him to bring Doodles home and he that the theme to The Twilight Zone???? It gets more WOOOHOOO. A and Doodles arrive to the apartment a little after 6 (I was asleep) and Doodles asks if he can show daddy Guitar Hero. I don't have an issue with that, but I expect A to say something about having to take off. NO, A takes off his jacket and plays with his child for almost an hour...

No, that's not it! I am meeting someone on Sunday and A has agreed to take care of Doodles. I asked if he was coming over to the apartment or if I had to bring Doodles out to his place...well, if the scout thing is still happening A is going to pick him up otherwise whatever is easier for me?!?!?! HUH....

Nope, I have no idea what happened, but I LIKE IT!!! If I happen to still be sleeping and none of this is actually true and factual, let me sleep :-)


XO said...

I need to re-read this post because I think I may have mistyped the URL... this obviously isn't the blog I thought it was! The A on that blog would NEVER do any of the things written about here.

But seriously... did he bump his head or something? I hope this lasts...

kc said...

I KNOW!!! Not sure what happened while I was out east but whatever was put in his Wheaties needs to continue.....seriously, I am not above paying whomever is drugging him LOL

Not only this, but he was present this morning at the school play!!! Uh huh. I don't know what to do -- tis really weird to think maybe he realized this is his child OH MY! shhhhhh, lets not jinx this

Foursons said...

Oh my goodness, seriously? Well don't look a gift horse in the mouth!